How To Tell If Your Home Needs Insulation

April 30, 2021

Whether it’s freezing cold or searing hot, your home should be warm or cold enough to make you feel comfortable. While there are numerous ways to ensure that the temperature inside your home remains temperate, one of the best ways is insulation.

Insulation is a technique through which the loss of heat from your home during the winters and heat gain during the summers is reduced. In this way, your home doesn’t get too cold or too hot.

If you want to be prepared before the weather gets too extreme, you need to ensure that your home is adequately insulated. But how can you be sure if it is? Let’s see how you can tell if your home needs insulation. Below are some signs that your home needs insulation.

Higher Energy Bills

If you see a sudden, unexpected surge in the energy bills, it might be a sign that your home isn’t adequately insulated, and you need to do something about it. Higher than normal energy bills mean that your heating/cooling system is working harder than it should maintain the indoor temperatures, which often happens when the house isn’t properly insulated.

Ice Dams on the Roofs

If your home isn’t well-insulated, the heat from inside will escape and cause the snow on the roof to melt. The melted snow will re-freeze due to low temperatures and form ice dams that resemble large icicles. This is obviously dangerous, and if those ice dams fall on someone, it can lead to serious injuries. As soon as you start to notice the formation of these ice dams, it’s a sure-fire sign that your home needs new or re-done insulation.

Cold Drafts

You can also tell that your home needs insulation if you feel a gush of cold or hot air even when all the doors and windows are closed. This occurs when there are cracks or gaps around window and door frames, and you need to get that fixed.

Temperature Difference Between Rooms

If you feel that your house’s rooms aren’t equally warm or cool, it is a sign that your home is under-insulated and that you need to get the insulation fixed or renewed.

Frozen Pipes

Another major sign that your home needs insulation is frozen pipes. The risk is higher if you live in a region where the temperature falls to freezing.

Cold Walls and Floors

The walls and floors of your home shouldn’t feel cold to touch. If that’s the case, it’s a sign that your home isn’t retaining the heat and it needs insulation.

These are some of the many signs that can be indicative of the fact that your home is under-insulated. If you notice any of these, it’s high time to get some insulation work done on priority.

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Thank you Dutch and Christian from Green Stone Energy LLC for a job well done. Our family will be feeling much warmer this winter. No more heating the outside.

— Lisa, Alex & Thorsten, Audubon, PA

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